Modeling with Impact

Dynamic General Equilibrium Modeling Using GAMS

Intensive course at the advanced level. The course will focus on multinational and multisectoral modeling with imperfect competition and intertemporal dynamics. This course is only accessible to those who have some experience in general equilibrium modeling and to the alumni of the EcoMod School or on-line courses.

Course objective: 

The course will introduce all the basic tools for constructing and implementing large-scale multi-national and multi-sectoral dynamic intertemporal general equilibrium models for policy analysis. By the end of the course the participants will have acquired detailed knowledge of and extensive hands-on experience in:

  • the structure of dynamic models,
  • building the database for such models,
  • introducing imperfect competition in the models,
  • building dynamic intertemporal models,
  • introducing forward-looking expectations,
  • building regional and multinational intertemporal models,
  • implementing the model on the computer using the GAMS software,
  • advanced features of the GAMS software,
  • formulating scenarios and running policy simulations,
  • reporting and interpreting the results.

The course uses a practical  and very intensive approach to model building. The participants will actually build the model step-by-step with guidance from the instructors: from small to large scale and from simple to complex structure. The participants will acquire extensive practical hands-on experience in building a complex, large-scale model. This will allow them to easily implement the first version of their own model using the GAMS codes of EcoMod.