Modeling with Impact


Conference venue information: 

The conference and the course will take place at the research conference center Tagungsstätte Harnack-House

Local accommodation: 

Tagungsstätte Harnack-House
Hotel of the conference venue
Single room: €58.40
Double room: €96.80

Hotel Alsterhof Berlin
4 stars
Single room: €95
Double room: €115

Telephone: 049 30 21242 729
Fax: 049 30 212 42 731

Avalon Hotel Berlin
4 stars
Single room: €89
Double room for €114 €
Telefon: +49-30-86 09 7-0
Telefax: +49-30-86 09 7-444

Deadline June 1, 2008.
First come first served.