Modeling with Impact


Antonio Afonso, Miguel St. Aubyn
Macroeconomic Rates of Return of Public and Private Investment: Crowding-in and Crowding-out Effects

Jean-Pierre Allegret, Alain Sand-Zantman
Modeling the Impact of Real and Financial Shocks on Mercosur: the Role of the Exchange Rate Regime

Luiz Felipe Amaral, Reinaldo Castro Souza, Maxwell Stevenson
A Smooth Transition Periodical Autoregressive Time Series Model for Short Term Electricity Demand Forecast

Ratya Anindita
Estimating the Economic Impact of Nuclear Power and Desalination Plant Construction in Indonesia

Adriana Arreaza-Coll, Luis Enrique Pedauga
Institutions, Economic Structure and Economic Policy: What Lies Beneath Inflation in Latin America?

Lavinia Baumstark, Marian Leimbach
The Impact of Capital Trade and Technological Spillovers on Climate Policies: Model Analysis with REMIND-S

Marta Bengoa, Ana Carrera, Adolfo C. Fernández
Monte Carlo Simulations Applied to an Endogenous Growth Model with Equality

Keshab Raj Bhattarai
Analyses of Poverty and Income Redistribution

Andres Blancas
Financial Fragility Dynamics in Developing Countries, the Mexican Case

William Brafu-Insaidoo, Camara Obeng
External Financial Flows And Macroeconomic Volatility In Ghana

Jean Louis Brillet, Jean Brieuc Delbos, caroline klein
The accession of VietNam to WTO : The Consequences for the Regional Gap

Jean Louis Brillet
A Simple Method to Switch Endogenous and Exogenous in a Macroeconomic Model

Heloisa Burnquist, Mirian Rumenos Piedade Bacchi, Luiz Fernando Satolo, Daiane Diehl
Trade Specialization in Light Vehicle Fuels Between Brazil and Other American Countries: an Analisys Through the Intra-Industry Trade Viewpoint

Heloisa Burnquist, Luciana Torrezan Silveira
Procedure For Decision Analysis On Prevention Against Animal Diseases: An Application Of Game Theory

Heloisa Burnquist, Mauricio Jorge Pinto de Souza, Mirian Rumenos Piedade Bacchi
Impact of the Technical Requirements on the Brazilian Mango Exportations

Flavio Cesar, Klimis Vogiatzoglou
An ACE Model of International Tax Competition

George Chouliarakis
The Time-Varying NAIRU and Monetary Policy in the UK

Samir Cury, Allexandro Mori Coelh, Euclides Pedroso
The Role of Income Transfer Programs in the Fall of Income Inequality in Brasil : a CGE Micro-Simulation Approach

Rosana Curzel, Simão Davi Silber
Will Trade Liberalization in the Americas Increase the Economic Welfare of Brazil and Argentina?

Ricardo da Silva Freguglia, Ricardo da SILVA FREGUGLIA, Naercio
Inter-Regional and Inter-Industry Wage Differentials with Individual Heterogeneity: Estimates using Brazilian Data

Lilian de Menezes, Stephen Wood
Lean Production and Performance in British Workplaces

Yazid Dissou
The Increase in World Prices of Commodities: Aggregate and Sectoral Adjustments in Canada

William Edmondson, Matthew Shane, Agapi Somwaru
Global Macroeconomic Shocks and U.S. Agriculture: An Interactive Matrix Approach

Glòria Estapé Dubreuil, Consol Torreguitart Mirada
About the Ex-ante Efficiency of Microcredit Programs in the First World

Mauro Ferreira
Debt Maturity in a Small Open Economy Under Inflation Target

Daad Fouad, Osama El Essawy
Egypt Disability Adjusted Life Years, Expectation Models and Human Development

Maxime Fougère, Simon Harvey, Jean Mercenier, Marcel Merette
Population Ageing, Time allocation and Human Capital: a General Equilibrium Analysis for Canada

Maxime Fougère, Bruno Rainville, Simon Harvey
High-Skilled Immigrants, the Skill Premium and Investment in Human Capital

Paolo Gelain
The Optimal Monetary Policy Rule For the European Central Bank

Sergio Goldbaum, Allexandro Mori Coelho, Samir Cury
The Effects of the Doha Round Non-Agricultural Market Access Negotiations in Brazil

Sergio Goldbaum, Allexandro Mori Coelho, Samir Cury
Impacts of Venezuela's Accession to the Mercosur: an Applied General Equilibrium Evaluation.

Metodij Hadzi-Vaskov, Clemens J.M. Kool
Stochastic Discount Factor Approach to International Risk-Sharing: A Trilateral Framework

Metodij Hadzi-Vaskov
Workers´ Remittances and International Risk-Sharing

Jan Hagemejer, Michal Gradzewicz, Zbigniew Zolkiewski
Globalization and the Polish Economy: Some Stylized Facts and CGE Model Simulations

Jan Hagemejer, Michal Gradzewicz
Impact of competition and business cycles on the behaviour of monopolistic markups in the Polish economy

Lilit Hakobyan
Heterogeneous Income Distribution, Output Growth and Policy Transition under Non-Linear Dynamics and Multiple Equilibria:the Experience of Former Socialistic Countries

Frank Hespeler
Solution Algorithm to a Class of Monetary Rational Equilibrium Macromodels with Optimal Monetary Policy Design

Geoffrey Hewings, Seryoung Park
Aging and the Regional Economy: Simulation Results from the Chicago CGE Model

Dirk Hoorelbeke, Delphine Bassilière, Francis Bossier, Ingrid Bracke, Frédéric Caruso, Olivier Lohest

HERMREG: A Regionalisation Model for Belgium

Aquiles Kalatzis, Carlos Alberto Cinquetti
Technology Service and Factor Content: the Export Impact From Multinationals

Hamilton Kamwana, Ådne Cappelen, Robin Choudhury, Hamilton Kamwana, Chipo Msowoya, Arnold Palamuleni, Wavisanga Munyenyembe

The 2007/8 Government of Malawi Budget - Macroeconomic implications

Fatih Karanfil, Bilge Ozturk
Optimal Enforcement Policy and Firm´s Decisions on R&D and Emissions

Sangeeta Khorana, Kato Kimbugwe, Nick Perdikis
Regional Integration under the East African Community: An Assessment of the Trade and Welfare Effects for Uganda

Anyarath Kitwiwattanachai, Doug Nelson, Geoffrey Reed
Quantitative Impacts of East Asia Free Trade Area: A Computable General Equilibrium Modelling

Juraj Kopecsni, Libor Dusek
Political Risk of Social Security: Evidence from Reforms in Hungary and the Czech Republic

Ossi Korkeamäki, Jukka Appelqvist, Tomi Kyyrä
Quantile Regression Estimates of the Earnings Losses of Displaced Workers

Daniel Koshiyama, Denilson Alencastro, Adelar Fochezatto
International Trade and Economic Growth in Latin America: a Granger Causality Analysis with Panel Data

Marco, Chi Keung Lau, To Kin-Man, Chester, Zhang Zhi Ming
Forecasting Monthly Prices and Quantities: A Study of Apparel Cottons Export

Marco, Chi Keung Lau, To Kin-Man, Chester, Zhang Zhi-Ming
Import Demand Response of MFA Apparel/Non-Apparel Fibers & Cottons in the U.S.: A Case of China & HK

Jose Leite, Resende, H.
Simulation of Scenario for Dairy Production Family Farming in Minas Gerais State

Ninghui Li
China´s Agriculture Production Insurance

Jorge Claudio Cavalcante de Oliveira Lima, Jean Mercenier
On Mercosur Under Alternative Market Structure Assumptions

Vincent Linderhof, Rob Dellink
Calculating the Economic Impacts of the European Water Framework Directive for the Netherlands Using a Dynamic AGE Model

Pachara Lochindaratn
Market Size, Market Structure, and Welfare Improving Regional Economic Integration: The Computable General Equilibrium Modelling Approach

Pablo Lopez Sarabia
Transmission And Impact Of The Financial Risk Of The European, Asian And American Stock Markets In The Return Of Mexican IPYC Index

Radu Lupu
Volatility Forecasting and Sign Changes in Currency Returns

Svetlana Makarova, Wojciech Charemza
Nonlinear Inflationary Persistence and Growth: Theory and Comparative Empirical Analysis

Marcel Mérette
Substitution between Young and Old Workers in an Ageing Context

Cristina Miranda, Reinaldo Castro Souza, Mônica Barros, Cristina Vidigal Cabral de Miranda
Short Term Demand Forecasting Using Double Exponential Smoothing and Interventions to Account for Holidays and Temperature Effects

Nicolas Moumi
Relation rendement/bêta d´une action revisitée : Pour une approche conditionnelle

Marislei Nishijima, Alexandre Sartoris
Determinants of Health in the City of Sao Paulo: A Spatial Approach

Heder Oliveira, Rafael Costa e Sousa, Edson Paulo Domingues
Regional Development and Brazilian Constitutional Funds

Javier J. Perez, Ana Lamo, Ludger Schuknecht
The Cyclicality of Consumption, Wages and Employment of the Public Sector in the Euro Area

Javier J. Perez, Diego J. Pedregal
Fiscal Forecasting with Mixed Frequency Data: Forecasting Euro Area Government Deficit

Fernanda Perini de Castro, Alexandre Sartoris
An Empirical Model for Drug Traffic in the City of Sao Paulo

Fernando Perobelli, Rogério Silva de Mattos, Eduardo Amaral Haddad, Marcos Paulo Novaes Silva
An integrated econometric + input-output model for the Brazilian economy: an application to the energy sector

Pascale Petit, Emmanuel Duguet
Does the Presence of Unions in Establishments Reduce the Gender Wage Gap? An Econometric Analysis

Fernando Pigeard de Almeida Prado, Alex Luiz Ferreira Jaylson Jair da Silveira
The Alcohol Price and the Flex Cars

Jose Pineda, Pablo Sanguinetti
Trade liberalization and Export Variety in Latin America: Is there a North-South, South-South divide?

Alexandre Alves Porsse, Eduardo Amaral Haddad, Eduardo Pontual Ribeiro
Evaluating Regional Tax competition and the Role of Central Government in Brazil

Stephen Pratt, Adam Blake
Dynamic General Equilibrium Model with Uncertainty: Uncertainty regarding the future path of the economy

Duo Qin, Marie Anne Cagas, Geoffrey Ducanes, Nedelyn Magtibay-Ramos, Pilipinas Quising

Measuring Regional Market Integration by Dynamic Factor Error Correction Model (DF-ECM) Approach: The Case of Developing Asia

Duo Qin, Marie Anne Cagas, Geoffrey Ducanes, Nedelyn Magtibay-Ramos, Pilipinas Quising

Automatic Leading Indicators (ALIs) versus Macro Econometric Structural Models (MESMs): Comparison of Inflation and GDP growth Forecasting

Chyanda Querido
A Game Theoretic Approach of War

Manitra Rakotoarisoa
Explaining Durations in Country Investment Ratings: A Competing Risk Model with Random-Effects

Marian Rizov, Patrick Paul Walsh
Productivity and Trade Orientation in UK Manufacturing

Cassio Rolim
The Impact of a Minimum Regional Wage on the Parana's Economy: an Application of the Iguassu CGE Model

Angi Rösch
Population Ageing, Momentum, and Immigration Policies

Wilson Luiz Rotatori, Jan M Podivinsky
Dynamic Macroeconometric Modelling: Evidence on the Brazilian Monetary System

Ricardo Ruiz, Bernardo Alves Furtado
An Agent Based Model for Urban Structure: the case of Belo Horizonte - Brazil

Fabio Rumler, Maria Teresa Valderrama
Comparing the New Keynesian Phillips Curve with Time Series Models to Forecast Inflation

Katsuhiro Saito, Shintaro Kobayashi
The International Linkage of Economic Policy in Lower Mekong Region: Four country CGE approach

Harald Schmidbauer, Mehmet Gencer, Bulent Ozel, V. Sinan Tunalioglu
Public Policies in the Software Market: Regional Issues Concerning Open Source Software

KM Shivakumar, S.Kombairaju, M.Chandrasekaran
Trade Policy Analysis of Edible Oil Imports of India under CGE framework

Per Bjarte Solibakke
An Artificial Neural Network Application Predicting the Nordic Electric Spot Market

Pekka Sulamaa, Juha Honkatukia
Evaluating the Effects of Increasing Regional Fiscal

Celal Tasdogan, Selim Cagatay, Duygu Atahan
Agricultural Policy Reform in Turkey: Impacts on Rural Poverty, Demand Patterns and Resource Use in Agriculture

Maria Teresa Valderrama
Modeling a Two Pillar Phillips Curve for the Euro Area Using State Space and Non-Linear Models

Silvinha Vasconcelos, Claudio Roberto Fóffano VASCONCELOS
Time Series Analysis of Strategic Pricing Behavior in the Brazilian Gasoline Markets: modeling volatility

Belem Vasquez
A Dynamic Analysis of Some Instruments of Fiscal, Monetary and Commercial Policies in Mexico

Isola Wakeel
Restructuring the Nigerian Electricity Industry; A Partial Equilibrium Analysis