Aksoy Yunus
On the Long-Term Neutrality of European and US Money
Albqami Raja, Applegate Michael
Does Stock Market Make a Difference?
Alp Emre, Clark David, Griffin Robert, Novotny Vladimir
The Application of Benefit Transfer in a Wisconsin Watershed
Andersen Michael, Hougaard Jensen, Svend Erik Haagen Pedersen Lars
Fiscal Sustainability, Aggregate Savings, and Occupational Pensions
Balkaransingh Radha
The Impact of Public Infrastructure on Private Costs: The Case of Japan
Ballabriga Fernando, martinez-mongay Carlos
Has EMU Shifted Policy?
The Impacts of the EU Enlargement on the MENA Region
Beine Michel, Benassy-Quere Agnès, Dauchy Estelle, McDonald Ronald
The Impact of Central Bank Intervention on Forecast Heterogeneity
Bekmez Selahattin
Is Integration with Europe Good Enough for the Turkish Producers?
Ben-Ahmed Ghazi, Bayar Ali, De Boer Paul
GCC Countries: Pledge for a Freer, Open-Market Economy, Regional and Multilateral Aspects
Bentabet Bouziane
The Effect of Euro-Mediterranean Agreements: the Case of Algerian Economy
Bernard Pascal
The Paradox of trade Liberalization with Renewable Resources
Bhanthumnavin Kanyarat
The Phillips curve for Thailand
Bhasin Vijay
Reaction Functions of the Bank of Ghana: A Dynamic Approach
Bode Eckhardt
Regional Economic Interaction and the Role of Growth Poles in East
Germany's Convergence Process
Bollen Johannes
Climate Policies and R&D
Bollen Johannes, Manders Ton
Relocation of EU Industries from the Kyoto Protocol New
Insights from a New WorldScan Model
brandsma Andries
The Challenges of the EU Enlargement
Breuss Fritz
Consequences of EU Enlargement for Macroeconomic Stability in Euroland
Breuss Fritz
Was the Monetary Policy of the ECB optimal?
Brillet Jean-Louis, Xiaoyue Liu, Ninghui Li
China Accessing WTO: Interpreting the Issues Using the NBS Annual Model
Bussolo Maurizio, whalley John
How Many Forms do I Have to Fill in to Export My Coffee? The Role
of Transaction Costs in Explaining Economic Performance in Latin
Bussolo Maurizio, ROUND Jeff
Redistribution and Poverty: Experiments with a CGE Model for Ghana
Candelon Bertrand, Hecq Alain
Short-Run Attractor Regimes and the Cyclical Behavior of Output
and Prices
Entry and Exit Dynamics in Business Cycles
Chan Nguyen, Dung Tran Kim
Development of CGE Model To Evaluate Tariff Policy in Vietnam
Charemza Wojciech, Makarova Svetlana, Parkhomenko Victoria
LAM Modelling of East European Economies: Methodology, EU
Accession and Privatisation
Chumacero Romulo, Fuentes Rodrigo
On the Determinants of the Chilean Economic Growth
Civcir Irfan
The Long-Run Determinants of Dollarization in Turkey
Coulombe Serge
International Trade, Interprovincial Trade, and Provincial Growth
Cretegny Laurent
Modelling the Multifunctionality of Agriculture in a CGE Framework
Davutyan Nurhan
Efficiency Enhancement in the Tourism Sector: Some Turkish Examples
Demertzis Maria, van Els Peter, Peeters Marga
EUROMON: The Netherlandsche Bank's Multi-Country Model for
Policy Analysis in Europe
Due Madsen Anders, Lobedanz Sorensen Morten, Haagen Pedersen Lars
Economic Consequences for Denmark of EU Enlargement
Egert Balazs, Lahrèche-Révil Amina
Equilibrium Exchange Rates and CEE Accession Economies: Are
They Fit to Join the EMU?
Egger Peter, Pfaffermayr Michael
The Pure Effects of European Integration on Intra-EU Core and Periphery Trade
Eyckmans Johan, van Steenberghe Vincent, Van Regemorter Denise
Is Kyoto Fatally Flawed? An Analysis with MacGEM
Feil Michael, Boehringer Christoph, Boeters Stefan
Taxation and Unemployment: An Applied General Equilibrium
Approach for Germany
Flaschel Peter, Krokzig Hans-Martin
Wage and Price Phillips Curves: An Analysis of Destabilizing
Wage-Price Spirals
Fourcade Nathalie, Audenis Cedric, Deroyon Julien
The Impact of IT Capital Accumulation - A Complete Macroeconomic Framework
Füss Roland
The Financial Characteristics between Emerging and Developed
Equity Markets
Galgau Olivia, Sekkat Khalid
The Impact of the Single Market on Foreign Direct Investment in the
European Union
Gasiorek Michael, augier Patricia
Rules of Origin and International Trade: The Case of the EU, the
Mediterranean and the CEECs
ghersi Frédéric
IMACLIM-POLES: A Tentative Bridge Across the Bottom-Up/Top-Down Gap in Climate Policy Modeling
GÖcke Matthias, BELKE Ansgar
Real Options Effects on Employment: Does Exchange Rate
Uncertainty Matter for Aggregation?
Gohin Alexandre
The Phasing out of Export Subsidies: Impacts on EU Agriculture
Grigorescu Adriana, Bob Constantin, Serban Radu
Efficient Management of Thermoelectric Power Station through a
Model of Nonlinear Optimization
gu Qingyang
The Impacts of Fiscal Federalism on China’s Regional Economies: A Multi-Regional Modeling Approach
Guérin Jean-Louis, Fontagné Lionel, Jean Sébastien
Multilateral Trade Liberalization: Scenarios for the New Round
and Assessment
Guerrero Guillaume
Markov-Switching Models of Business Cycle: Can the Econometric
Model Detect the Growth Regime?
Haddad Eduardo Domingues Edson
Analyzing the Spatial Impact of Tax Policies: An Interregional CGE Framework for Brazil
Harrison Glenn, Rutherford Thomas, Tarr David
Trade Liberalization, Poverty and Efficient Equity
Hayo Bernd, Clausen Volker
Asymmetric Monetary Policy Effects in the EMU
Hermans Raine
Economic Integration and Spatial Agglomerations - European
Regions in a Synthetic Free Trade Area Analysis
Hong Yiseok
The Economic Effects of Free Trade Areas within APEC
Hostland Doug
Fiscal Planning in an Era of Economic Stability
Jacquinot Pascal, Mihoubi Ferhat
Marcos: A Rational Expectation Model
Jakab Zoltan, kovacs Mihaly Andras
Explaining the Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Some Simulations with the NIGEM Model
Keuschnigg Christian, Dietz Martin
Capital Income Tax Reform in Switzerland
Khorshid Motaz, Al-Ibraheem Yousef, Assem Adel, Girgis Maurice
Estimating Economy Wide War Losses Using A Computable
General Equilibrium Model
Khorshid Motaz
Impact of Fiscal Reform Program on Kuwait's Medium Term
Economic Performance - Results from a Public Finance Economy
Wide Model
Kim Kunhong, Hall Viv, Buckle Robert
New Zealand's Current Account Deficit: Analysis based on the Intertemporal Optimisation Approach
Knaap Thijs, Bettendorf Leon
Ageing, Interest Scenarios and the Current Account: Simulations for the Netherlands
Kohler Wilhelm
Modeling EU Enlargement
Konan Denise Eby, MASKUS Keith E.
Quantifying the Impact of Services Liberalization in a Developing Country
Kratena Kurt, Puwein Wilfried
Road Pricing for Heavy Goods Vehicles Transport: Assessing the
Economic Impact in a Disaggregated Macroeconometric Model
Lenihan Helena
Evaluating the Effects of Irish Industrial Policy: Estimating Predictive (Logit) Models for Deadweight and Displacement
Liddle Brant
Sustainable Development and Globalization in a World with Unequal
Starting Points
Lopes Ermelinda
Modelling the Demand for Money
Lubenets Natalja, Fainstein Grigory
Development of Regional Specialization and Income under Transition into the EU: Evidence from Estonia
Lundmark Robert, Söderholm Patrik
Technical Change in the Swedish Pulp and Paper Industry: A General Index Approach
The Impacts of the American New Steel Policy on the International Steel Markets
Martins Manuel Antonio da Mota Freitas
Macroeconomic Performance and Policymakers Preferences in the
Euro Area 1972-2001
Meyermans Eric
Monetary Policy in the Euro Area: Simulations with the NIME Model
Moradi Mohammad Ali
Nonlinear Modelling of Inflation in Iran
Mueller Christian
A Challenge to the First Pillar? The French Experience
Munk Knud Jorgen
Assessment of the Introduction of Road Pricing Using a Computable General Equilibrium model
ninghui Li
China’s Food Economy and its Implications for the Rest of the World
Onorante Luca
Interaction of Fiscal Policies in the Euro Area: How Much Pressure
on the ECB?
O'Toole Ronnie, Matthews Alan
Comparing the Estimated General Equilibrium (GE) and Partial Equilibrium (PE) Price Elasticities of Demand using IMAGE, A CGE model of Ireland
Ozdemir Durmus
Growth, Liquidity Constraints, Credibility and the Effects of Shocks Under a Non-Credible Government
Parmentier Alexis
The Impact of Tax Progression on Employment, Hours and Wages
Pempetzoglou Maria, Karagianni Stella
A General Equilibrium Model for Assessing the Economic Effects
of Carbon Taxation in Greece
Pichelmann Karl, Roeger Werner
Structural Reforms in Labour and Product Market and
Macroeconomic Performance
Piet Laurent
Assessing Locally Defined Environmental Policies in the Agricultural Sector: A Multiregional CGE Modeling Approach
Ping Yin Ya
Skilled-Unskilled Wage/Employment Disparity - A CGE
Simulation Analysis of the Recent UK Experience
Plasmans Joseph, van Aarle Bas, Di Bartolomeo Giovanni, Engwerda Jacob
Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Co-Ordination of Macroeconomic Stabilisation
Policies: A Game Theoretical Analysis of the European
Institutional Design
Pozzi Lorenzo
Government Debt, Imperfect Information and Fiscal Policy Effects
on Private Consumption. Evidence for 2 High Debt Countries
Reid Rodney
Net Worth and Investment Under Financial Liberalization:
Microeconomic Evidence from Jamaica
Reynes Frédéric, Chagny Odile, Sterdyniak Henri
The Equilibrium Rate of Unemployment: a Theoretical Discussion,
and an Empirical Evaluation in Six OECD Countries
Richter Christian, Hallet Andrew Hughes
Are Capital Markets Efficient? Evidence from the Term Structure of Interest Rates in Europe
Estimation, Calibration and Validation of Computable General Equilibrium Models Powerpoint Presentation
Ross Matthias
The Impact of Infrastructure and Taxes on Regional Agglomeration
Rother Philipp, Catenaro Marco, Schwab Gerhard
Ageing and Pensions in the Euro Area
Ryaboshlyk Volodymyr
Combining General Equilibrium and Growth Models: a New Tool
for Policymaking
Saito Katsuhiro,
Public Investment and the Economy-wide Effects: An Age
Evaluation of Agricultural Land Improvement in Japan
Semmler Willi, GONG Gang
Real Business Cycles with Disequilibrium in the Labor Market: A Comparison of the U.S. and German Economies
SIBI Frédérique
Optimal Monetary Policy in the Area of the Euro: Arbitrage in
Inflation - Output - Interest Rate Adjustment
Siviero Stefano, Momigliano Sandro
The Budget and Economic Activity in Italy in the Nineties: An
Appraisal Using the Bank of Italy's Quarterly Econometric Model
Stein Jerome, Wendell Fleming
Stochastic Optimal Control, International Finance and Debt
Suna-Kayam Saime
Welfare Consequences of Trade Reform with Sensitivity
Tang Paul, de Groot Henri
The Impact of Ageing on International Capital Flows in a Heterogeneous World with Imperfect Capital Mobility
Tsigas Marinos, Canning Patrick
Implications of Tax Policy for US Food and Agriculture: A Multiregional, Economy-wide Approach
Tulkens Henry, Eyckmans Johan
Simulating Coalitionally Stable Burden Sharing Agreements for the
Climate Change Problem
van Pottelsberghe Bruno, Guellec Dominique
From R & D to Productivity Growth: the Sources of Knowledge - Spillovers and their Interaction
Van Regemorter Denise, Mayeres Inge
Modelling the Health Related Benefits of Environmental Policies
within a CGE Model for the EU-15 Countries
Watson Patrick
Monetary Dynamics in Jamaica: A Policy-Making Perspective
Westskog Hege, Hagem Cathrine, Maestad Ottar
Effective Enforcement and Imprecise Deterrents: Impacts of Punishment on Punishers via the Markets for Quotas and Energy
Willenbockel Dirk
Specification Choice and Robustness in CGE Trade Policy Analysis
with Imperfect Competition
Zagame Paul, Le Mouël Pierre, Fougeyrollas Amaud
An Innovative Detail ed Macro-Sectoral Economic Model for Europe: NEMESIS
Zagame Paul, Fougeyrollas Arnaud, Le Mouel Pierre
Endogenous Growth in an Applied General Equilibrium Model for
Europe (GEM-E3)
Zakarias Gerold, fritz Olivier, kurzmann Raimund, streicher Gerhard
Comparing Regional Structural Change: An Application of
Econometric Input-Output Models